domingo, 3 de diciembre de 2017


To achieve your task, follow these steps:
  1.  Each team will open a collaborative folder (shared with the teacher) in Google Drive which includes a word file with the following content: names of the team members, name of your TV News Show, logo and slogan of your show, name of sections that will be included (at least 4), name of the news that each member will be following, materials to use in the live presentation.
  2.  For 4 weeks, individually, you will follow the chosen news. Once a week, you’re going to write a report with your own words (from 300-400 words) in a word file which will be included in the Google Drive folder.
  3. Using YouTube, weekly, each team will record short creative oral reports (videos 3-5 min., including name, logo and slogan) of the news followed. You need to sahre your link in the TV News Show Blog. The other students will send constructive comments and opinions about the news.
  4.  Final presentation of the Live TV News Show in the classroom. Each team has from 7 to 10 min. to present the show. Each team participates with the sections and news followed, integrating the knowledge and information acquired, and the designed materials.


Week 1
January 15th 2018
Collaborative folder in Google Drive including the word file with the general information of the TV News.
January 15th – 16th 2018
Write your report and share it in Google Drive
January 15th – 20th 2018
Record your video and comment on the other videos
Week 2
January 22nd – 23rd 2018
Write your report and share it in Google Drive
January 22nd – 27th 2018
Record your video and comment on the other videos
Week 3
January 29th – 30th 2018
Write your report and share it in Google Drive
January 29th –February 3rd 2018
Record your video and comment on the other videos
Week 4
February 5th – 6th 2018
Write your report and share it in Google Drive
February 8th 2018
Final presentation in the classroom.
February 9th 2018
Feedback and sharing your experience.
TOTAL: 100%

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